Tahnk you so much !!! :D plus mymouthis dry...very dry lately..and i think im coming down with something... (nasuea, headach, dizzy) nothing right? wow, i feel paranoid, but atleast i know stuff now! thanks so much just that last question :D
Hi there, what arebloodblistersinmouthrelated to? Ive had them for months, they appear...>
Whats going on?
DONOTDELETE more fromt before...please answer...crap
more fromt before...please answer
and especially if it is flesh colored. Some people may think it is just abloodblister. •TheMelanomaHope Network... In my previous post we talked about a subtype ofmelanomacalled lentigo malignamelanoma. In this post we will discuss anothermelanomavariant called nodularmelanoma. While lentigo malignamelanoma...crap
In December i had a protected encounter. Late december i got a tigue, very drymouthand the glands on my groin swelled. The swelling lasted until last week I didnt think anything of it but like a month ago i got a rash on my elbow and i dime sized rash on my forehead. I never noticed a fever...crap
drymouth& l0oss of taste
When we talk aboutmelanoma, most people picture an irregular, dark, large mole that has changed over time, and indeed, these characteristics are often symptoms ofmelanoma. Today I want to talk about two variants ofmelanomathat are harder to diagnose than those mentioned above. Amelanomathat does not...crap
bloodblistersin muth
Transparentblistersinsideunder lip (mouth)
I have a very drymouth, can this type of test give me a accurate test result?I had it done and got a neg result. just want to make sure this test vs abloodtest is ok,,,,,thank you Alvan Fisher, M... I would do abloodtest also.Alvan Fisher, M.D....crap
DONOTDELETEbloodblistersin muth I get them from time to time.Bloodvessels close to the top of the soft tissue usually on theinsideof your cheeks -mouth. The vessels burst leaving abloodspot...crap
AmelanoticMelanomaand SubungualMelanoma
Dear doc, I have smallblisters(transparent)insidemymouth, behind my under lip... are OI? Is it usual? Judith Feinberg, M.D. Transparentblistersinsideunder lip (mouth) You dont say whether you are HIV+ or not, but assuming you are, these transparentblisterscould be herpes. The rough spots...crap
most probably skin spots are purpura. this patiend should attend doctor for further plan to make correct dx so that early treatment can be started,bleeding problem may be dangerous if not taken underconsideration at proper
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mouththat does not seem to go away(over a week now). My risk was considered low, felatio with another man and he did not cum in mymouth. Could the fever have been ars and is the drymoutha symptom... just a low grade fever, but a very high fever, unable to even move. As for the drymouth...crap
testing Orally for hiv infection
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blood blister in mouth Blood Blister Vs Melanoma On Mucosa Inside Mouth,NIH researchers complete wholblood blister in mouth Blood Blister Vs Melanoma On Mucosa Inside Mouthe-exome sequencing of skin cancer;Study is the most comprehensive view of
What is OcularMelanoma?
are usually done to look for any signs of themelanomaelsewhere (bloodwork along with imaging scans). The liver... Hi everyone. Today I want to talk about ocularmelanoma, a type ofmelanomathat develops in the eye. Whilemelanomais usually associated with skin cancer, it can arise in the eye and spread...crap
Dear Dr. Henry,Since I started taking Atazanavir some months ago I have developed a very drymouthand have lost most of my sense of taste. Also I can now eat only very small meals as the dryness in mymouth....Regards,Peter McG Keith Henry, M.D. drymouth& l0oss of taste Of the meds you are on ritonavir most commonly...crap